The Duttons of New England

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LEE, Capt Hancock[1]

Male 1653 - 1709  (56 years)Deceased    Has 8 ancestors and 3 descendants in this family tree.

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  • Name LEE, Hancock 
    Title Capt 
    Birth 1653  Northumberland County, Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Gender Male 
    Burial May 1709  Ball Family Cemetery, Ditchley, Northumberland County, Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    Death 25 May 1709  Ditchley, Northumberland County, Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [1


      From Northumberland County Wills and Deeds 1706-1720 (p.79)

      IN THE NAME OF GOD, Amen. I Hancock Lee of the County of Northumberld. in ye Colony of Virga: being of sound and perfect sense & memory, blessed be God, doe make this my Last Will & Testamt. hereby revokeing all other and former Wills whatsoever by me made. Imprs. I comitt & comend my Soule to Almighty God that gave it me hopeing through the merritts of Jesus Christ my Redeemer that after this my sinfull life is ended to enjoy a ____ life and happiness with him in Heaven & my body to the Earth from whence it was taken, desireing the same may have a decent buryall as my Exers. or Trustees hereafter named shall think fitt;

      Item. I give and bequeath to my deare Daughter, Mrs. Anna Armsteed, Tenn pounds Sterl: to be paid her the next Shipping after my decease, if shee survive me, otherwise the sd. Tenn pounds to be and remaine wholie to the use & benefitt of my Exers. hereafter named.

      I give and bequeath unto my Son, Richard Lee, thirteene Silver Spoones they being sent for on purpose for him, they haveing engraved on the back side the handle the first two letters of his name and I doe likewise give to him, the said Richard Lee, my Silver hilted Swoard and belt with Silver buckles;

      I give and bequeath unto my deare and Loveing Wife a Childs part of all my personall Estate if shee will be content with what the late Law of this Colony will give her (that is to say) a Third of all lands & Negroes dureing her life & them to whome of right in Law it doth belong, and my Will is further that my Wifes part be sett aside from the rest of my Estate in the first place whatsoever it be whether Thirds or Childs part but but note if my Debts be very considerable att my death, which hope in God they may not, then my desire is that soe much be sett apart of my Estate before anything be divided as may be thought by my Trustees to be sufficient to satisfie and pay my just debts and after my Wifes part is taken out, my Will is that all the rest of my Estate be divided into one part more then I have Children & my Son, Richard Lee, to have two parts upon Division & his Choise, that is to say, my Will is that my Son, Richard Lee, have a double portion of all my Estate after all my just debts & Legacies & my Wifes part out as indeed he ought to have by reason that a great part of the foundation of my Estate came by his Mother.

      Item. My Will is that my Son, Richard Lee, be by my Trustees hereafter possessed of his Estate when he comes to the age of Eighteene which will be in ye yeare 1709, Augt. ye 18th.

      Item. My Will & desire is that my Estate be divided with what possible speed may be after my death soe much being first sett apart as may be sufficient to satisfie and pay my just debts and Legacies and my Will is that my Son, Richard Lees, Estate that is to say his Negroes be kept and remaine workeing on the Land where they then are att my death & if any cropp then on the ground they to assist in the tending of it untill it be finished & then they to have their equall shares for the proper use of my said Son, Richard, & my Will is that my Son, Richard Lee, have two thirds of all the devidend of Land where I now live to worke his Servants upon with two thirds of all howseing on sd. Plantacon except the Dwelling House, Kitchin, Dairy & Sellars, the which the whole and sole use of untill my Sone, Richard Lee, come to the age of Eighteene & then he my sd. Son to have the whole use and benefitt of two thirds of all the houses & sellerage belonging to said Plantacon. And my Will is that if my Wife will not be obleidged to keep the said houseing, that shee has privilege of in as good repaire as they are at my death untill my Sone, Richard Lee, comes to the age aforesd. then my Will is that shee have but one third part assigned as speedily as may be after my death and I doe desire that soe much of ____ for Richards good as may be perrishable may be sold by my Trustees heresfetr named as they shall think fitt.

      Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son, Richard Lee, the Devidend of Land I now live on being called by the name of Hancock Neck, to him, the said Richard Lee, and his heires for ever: And in case of his death before he comes of age of one & twenty or without heires of his body lawfully begotten, then the said Land to him her or either of their heires to whome the right of Law it doth belong, for ever; And I doe humbly begg my Honoble; & good Friend, Robt. Carter, Esqr., my deare Bro: Richard Lee, Esqr., and my Cozen, Capt. John Howson, that they would be pleased to take upon them the Trust & managemt. of my Estate & Children untill they come to lawfull age;

      Item. I give and bequeath unto each of the said Gentl. abovenamed as Trustees Twenty shillings to buy a Ring to weare for my sake which I desire may be paid out of my Estate as soon as possible after my decease;

      Item. My Will is that my Son, Richard Lee, have noe power att all to sell any Negroes without the consent of two of my good Friends abovenamed untill he come to the age of twenty one, hereby appointing my Sone, Richard Lee, whole & sole Exer. of this my Last Will. In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & affixed my seale this 31st day of December one thousand seven hundred and six.

      Hancock Lee

      Sealed & signed in presence of
      Thomas Knight,
      Thomas Ingram, his mark
      Mary Knight, her marke

      Die July 20th: 1709. This Will was proved in Northumberld. County Court to be the Last Will & Testamt. of Mr. Hancock Lee, deced., by ye oaths of Thomas Knight & Mary Knight, two of ye witnesses thereto, & is admitted to Record

      Teste Tho: Hobson, Cl Cur

      Vera Copia Test Tho: Hobson, Cl Cur Northumbria

      BE IT KNOWNE unto all men by these presents that whereas I Hancock Lee of Northumberld. County in ye Colony of Virga: have made & declared my Last Will & Testamt. in writeing bearing date the last day of December 1706, I the said Hancock Lee by this present codicil doe confirme & ratifie my said Last Will & Testamt. & doe give and bequeath unto my Son, Isaac Lee, all my land which I have taken up above the Falls of Rappa: River (that is to say) three tracts to him and his heires for ever & my Will and meaning is that this Codicil or Schedule be adjudged to be part & parcell of my sd. Last Will & Testamt. and that all things therein contained & menconed be faithfully & truely performed as fully and amply in every respect the same were soe declared & sett downe in my Last Will and Testamt. In Witness whereof I the said Hancock Lee heve hereunto sett my hand & seale this first day of Janry: 1706.

      Hancock Lee

      Sealed & signed in presence of
      Thomas Knight,
      Thomas Ingram, his mark
      Mary Knigh, her mark

      Die July 20, 1709. This Codicil was proved in Northumberld. County Court to be the act & deed of Mr. Hancock Lee, deced., by the Oaths of Thomas Knight & Mary Knight, two of the witnesses thereto & admitted to Record together with ye Will

      Test Tho: Hobson, Cl Cur Northbria

      BE IT KNOWNE unto all men by these presents that whereas I Hancock Lee of Northumberld. County in ye County of Virga: have made & declared my Last Will & Testamt. in writeing bearing date ye last day of December 1706, I the sd. Hancock Lee by this present Codicil doe confirme & ratifie my sd. Last Will & Testamt. & doe give & bequeath unto my Son, John Lee, all that tract of land I have taken up at Chopowamsick conteyning seventeene hundred & fifty acres to him, the sd. John Lee, & his heires for ever And if that Child that my Wife is now with Child of be a Boy, then my Will & bequest is that he have all the Land I have taken up above Occoquon or Sandy Run & Wolff Run to him and his heires, forever, but if it the Child my Wife now with Child prove a female then my Son, John Lee, to have all my land in Potomack to him and his heires for ever; And my Will and meaning is that this Codicil or Schedule be & be adjudged to be part and parcell of my sd. Last Will & Testamt. and that all things herein contained & menconed be faithfully and truely performed & as fully & amply in every respect as if the same were sett downe & declared in my Last Will and Testamt. In Witness whereof I the said Hancock Lee have hereunto sett my hand and seale this eighteenth day of May 1709

      Hancock Lee

      Sealed and signed in presence of
      Daniel Fieldin,
      Robert Spenser, his mark
      Eliza. Bell, her mark

      Die Julii 20th: 1709. This Codicil was provd: in Northumberld. County Court to be the act and deed of Mr. Hancock Lee, deced., by ye oathes of Daniel Fielding & Robert Spencer, two of ye witnesses thereto & is admitted to Record, together with the Will

      Test Tho: Hobson, Cl Cur

      My Will and desire is that five pound be paid out of my Estate by my Trustees to the use of ye Parish Church for a peece of Communion Plate, And my Will is that Mr. Bartholomew Schreever be pd. by sd. Trustees three pound which I have reced. of his from a Gentleman in Maryland

      Item. I give unto ye Mr. Joseph _______ Three pound to preach my funerall Sermon in Wiccocomoco Church. In Testimony hereof I have sett my hand and seale this 20th day of May 1709

      Hancock Lee

      Signed and sealed in presence of
      John Harris,
      Wm: Jones, Junr.

      Die Julii 21: 1709. This Codicil was provd: in Northumberld. County Court to be ye act and deed of Mr. Hancock Lee by ye oaths of Mr. John Harris & Mr. Wm: Jones Junr., witnesses thereto & ye same is admitted to Record, together with ye Will

      Test Tho: Hobson, Cl Cur

      Vera Copa Test Tho: Hobson, Cl Curr Northbria

      Die Martii 21: 1710. These coppies of Mr. Hancock Lees Will & Codicils thereto annexed were approved by ye Court upon the mocon of Capt. John Howson are admitted to Record

      Test Tho: Hobson, Cl Cur Northbria



      From Northumberland County Deeds & Wills 1706-1720 (p.82)

      In obedience to an Order of Northumberld. County Court dated ___________ wee the Subscribers did meet at ye House of Mr. Hancock Lee, deced., and did then and there appraise the said deced.s Estate as followeth

      To 1 Negro man named Dick 50 yeares old. To 1 mulatto woman named Jane 40 yeares old. To 1 Negro girl named Frank 2 moneths old. To 1 Negro man nmaed Tony aged 21 yeares old: To 1 Negro woman named Frank 22 yeares old. To 1 Negro boy named John aged 1 yeare old. To 1 Negro woman named Nell aged 19 yeares old; To one lame girle with paine in her limbs named Sue 16 yeares: To 1 Negro girle named Wing aged 17 yeares: To 1 mulatto boy named Stephen aged 17 yeares. To one Negro man named Jack 20 yeares old: To 1 Negro man named Jennis aged 18 yeares: To 1 Negro man named Dick aged 16 yeares. To 1 Negro man named Will aged 17 yeares; To 1 Negro boy named Soloman aged 9 yeares: To 1 Negro boy named Guy aged 7 yeares; To 1 Negro girle named Jonary aged 15 yeares. To 1 Negro girle named Mary aged 3 yeares; To 1 mulatto boy named Noell aged 4 yeares: To 1 mulatto girle named Margt., aged 6 yeares; To 1 mulatto woman named Betty aged 45 yeares. To 1 Negro woman named Gelon aged 18 yeares; To 1 Negro boy named Will aged 3 moneths: To 1 Negro girle named Lucy aged 5 yeares: To 1 Negro boy named Emanuel aged 15 yeares: To 1 Negro boy named Tippott aged 17 yeares To 1 Negro boy named Peter aged 17 yeares: To 1 mulatto man named Tom Dubricks aged 24 years,

      In the Hall To one Scrittore. To 1 silver Ink case & 2 Silver seales. To 1 case of Silver & physick weights, 1 pr. of brass scales & weights, one pound of twine, one caske, one large Turkey work carpt:, 1 Chest, 1 small ditto, one oval table, one large old table, 17 leather chaires, 1 gun, 1 gun ditto, 1 case of Pistolls & holsters, Carbine & belt, 1 cold still, 1 pair of Stilliards: 1 pair of small ditto.

      In the Parlor. To 1 feather bed bolster pillows quilt, 1 pr. of sheets curtaines valense & bedsteed. To 1 feather bed, 2 pillows. To 1 feather bed bolster, 1 pillow bedsteed, blanketts & pair of sheets. To 1 Trundle bedsteed feather bed bolster small pillows blanketts and sheets: To 1 old Duck Table: To 1 Seale Skin Trunk: 1 chest, 1 cabinett, lookeing glass, box iron, 1 pr. of large tongs, one fire shovell, 1 Tinn candle box, 2 old cruetts, 2 old pepper boxes, 1 glass cup, 1 cutting knife, 1 pr. of old Silver buckles, 1 Cork Screw, one old Sword;

      Parlor Closett. To 29 peeces of Earthen ware, 1 warming pann, 2 stone juggs, 1 old chest, 1 old pipe box, 1 old chest, 1 close stoole, 2 barrells old, 3 boxes small, one small earthen pott, 1 pr. of scales & weights: 1 sett of curtaines of printed Calico, much worne

      Parlor Closett. To 1 pr. of Taylors sheers, 3 plates, 1 bason, 1 cupp, 2 muggs, 2 salts, 1 pr marking grove: 2 pr. of old wooll cords, one old flesh fork, 2 old dish panns & other lumber, four Ivory Combs, 21 Thimbles, a parcell of Tinn buttons, 1 peece of blew tape, 4 setts of knitting needles;

      Parlor Chamber. To 3 fine blanketts 9 each; 1 pair of blanketts, 1 spotted rugg, 1 dark colored rugg, 1 large blew rugg: 2 peeces of white tape, parcell of old fillett, 1 linen bed cover, 1 table cloath & 13 napkins, 15 napkins, 1 new table cloath, 3 old ditto, 10 pillow cases, 4 small ditto, 3 towells:

      Porch Chamber. To 1 large feather bed & furniture, 1 pr. of sheets, silk curtaines and valence, counterpane, cupboard cloth covering & chaires, 1 feather bed bolster 2 pillows, 1 suit of blew Shaloone curtaines & valence & quilt; 1 pr. course holland sheets, 1 pr. ditto, 3 pair of sheets, 4 pillow cases, 1 small old looking glass, 1 Sealskin trunk, 1 ditto with a drawr., 1 low leather Chaires, 1 white worsted rugg, 1 darke colored ditto, 1 old Chest, 2 chamber potts, 2 pr. of old sheets, one pair ditto;

      In the Hall Closett. 1 large Table, 4 Common Prayer books, 2 old Bibles, 1 small ditto, 7 whole Duties of Man, old: To 1st, 2d, 3d parts of ye Pilgrims Progress, To 12 old books, 7 ditto, 3 ditto, 1 book of Lectures; 1 book ditto, 1 book intituled The Description of Alfrita. To 1 book writt by Purchase, 2 old Histories, 1 Physick Dictionary, 3 Law books, 6 Physick books, 1 Practice of Piety &c., & ye Tuchstone of Wills & Testamts, 17 quire of paper, 2 old ne paper books, 1 old trunk, 4 old shettles, 2 pr. sheep sheeres, shoemakers thread, old horse fleams, 1 case of Larietts, 1 small table & lumber in the Drawer, 8 peece of Earthen ware, 3 knives & forks, 1 ink case & pen knife, 4 wood handle knives, 1 portmantle, one Watch, 9 old tubbs;

      In the Hall Chamber: To 1 large Virga: feather bed old bolster & 2 pillows; I English feather bed bolstr: & 2 pillowes, one bedsteed, 1 small couch bed, 1 English bed & bolster & two pillowes: 1 old Trunnell bedsteed, 4 turn'd flagg chaires: 1 carved chest, 1 old chest, 1 old leathr: trunk, 1 pair of brass andirons, brass tongs & shovell, 2 old blanketts 1 large rugg, 7 doz of mohair buttons, 4 gross of thread, 16 doz of mohair buttons, 7 peeces of Gape, 1 pound of Brimstone, 7 yeards of Crocus, 2 earthen chamber potts, 1 suit of old brod cloth curtaines and valence: 1 suit of camlett curtaines & valence:

      Goods Belonging to ye Parlor Chamber: 1 new this Country feather bed bolster 2 pillowes, 2 sheets, 1 nett work counterpane, white curtaines & valance, tester cloth & head peece, pillow cases, sheets, blanketts & bedsteed, one seale skin trunk, 1 large chest, one looking glass, 2 large Turkey work chaires & 3 small leather chaires, 24 napkins, 12 Huccoback napkins, 4 hugoback tablecloths, 3 course linin table cloths, 3 pillows, 10 sheets, 1 diaper table cloth, 1 old table cloth, 1 large diaper table cloth, 12 old linin napkins, 1 table cloth, 19 napkins, 2 old diaper towells, 9 linen towells, 2 earthen chamber potts, 1 Alabaster saltsellar, 1 thin linen cupboard cloth, 1 old Silver tankard, 1 sugar box, 1 spoon, 1 candlestick, 1 candle snifter, 1 dram cup, all waying :88: ounces;

      In the Citchen: To 3 old kettles waying 37 lb., 1 new kettle waying 17; 1 copper cooker waying 79; 4 old potts waying 89, spitts, pottracks, potthooks, 2 ring hooks, large brass candlesticks, iron candlesticks, iron pestles, large bellmettle skillett, double ring hook, frying pan, peiles piggins old tubbs, 7 good pewter dishes waying 42 pounds, 2 very large pewter dishes old waying 26: 2 doz & 10 plates, 12 pewter dishes waying 36, 2 dozn. of old plates, 14 old pewter dishes, 1 bedpan, 1 close stoole, 2 chamber potts, 1 gallon bason, 13 lb. of old pewter, 1 dozn. of spoones, 12 plate tranchers, 4 large earthen potts, 1 brazeele morter & pestle, 1 pair of stock cards, 1 pipkin;

      SCHOOLE HOUSE. To 2 linen spinning wheeles, 1 Still & Worm & tubb, 2 Pipes, 4 old carde cases, 2 rumletts, 1 caske, 1 grindstone,

      In ye Cellar: 2 grose of Bottles, 1 Stone Jugg, 3 Cyder left, 1 Coopers perse, 1 Shalop, foresaile & old ropes, 1 old Pipe box;

      In the Little Store: 1 Jack, 95 pounds of old iron, 2 Coulters & 3 ploshears, 11 new gimletts, 4 markin irons, 2 bung borers & 1 small vice, 6 paire of dove tailes, 1 parcell of joyners tooles, 1 parcell of coopers tooles, 2 pcs. of Stirrup Leather & old bridle, 9 s. of Ginger, 18 case of bottles & old case, 8 pepper boxes, 1 feather bed bolster & 2 blanketts;

      In the Dairie: To 8 earthen milk panns, 2 boules, 8 old tinn panns, 1 butter pott, 1 chamber pott, 1 old butter dish, 1 half bushell, 1 perk, 1 old sifter, 10 half hides of leather faun, 2 whipp saws, parcell of carpenters tooles, axes, wedges, curry comb, broken glass & lead, 1 flesh fork, sett of horse harness, some plow chaines, small graplin waying 84 lb., 2 pair of screws;

      In the Stable: 1 parcell of old Iron, 2 1/2 barrells of Pitch, 10 gallon of Tarr, one old cart & old wheels, 1 old Ox Yoak hooks, 347 foot of plank, 1 woollen wheele & one pair of tow cards;

      In the Porler: To 1 old Couch & Table

      The Stock at ye home House. 51 Sheep, 6 draft Oxen, 2 Steers 7 yeares old, 3 steers 4 yeares: 6 steeres 3 yeares: 1 steer 2 yeares old; 7 heifers, 1 bull, 1 steer att 1 yeare old; 4 Heiffers 2 yeares old, 1 Heiffer 3 yeares old; 13 cowes, 1 bull, 1 cripple yearling, 5 old cowes, 12 clves, 1 large black gelding, 1 large bay gelding, 1 dark bey gelding, 1 yearling horse colt, 1 small bay mare, 1 white fleebitten mare, 1 young Chesnutt colrd: mare 1 hump backt Mare, 1 young black mare, 1 Rone Mare;

      At ye Hills Quarter: 7 cowes, 32 heiffers, 1 yearling, 2 calves, cross cutt saw, iron pestle, falling ax, joynter & coopers ax, 1 New England buckett, one Grindstone;

      At Robert Carters Esqr., To 1 Shallop old rigging, 1 Anchor & old Sailes
      Teste: Jno: Stepto, Maurice Jones,
      John Ingram

      Die Martii 22d, 1710. This Coppy was presented by Capt. John Howson and by the Court approved and upon the sd. Howsons mocon the same is admitted to Record

      Test Tho: Hobson, Cl Cur Northbria [3]
    Age 56 years 
    Person ID P2654  Dutton Ancestry
    Last Modified 21 Apr 2023 

    Father LEE, Col Richard Henry Esq
              b. 22 Mar 1617, Worcester, Worcestershire, England Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 1 Mar 1664, Dividing Creek Plantation, Kilmarnock, Lancaster County, Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 46 years) 
    Relationship Birth 
    Mother Ancestors CONSTABLE, Ann
              b. 21 Feb 1621, St Mary Magdalene Old Fish Street with St Gregory by St Paul, London, England Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 6 Oct 1706, Dividing Creek Plantation, Kilmarnock, Lancaster County, Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 85 years) 
    Relationship Birth 
    Marriage 26 Aug 1637  Minster, Kent, England, United Kingdom Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Age at Marriage He : 20 years and 5 months - She : 16 years and 6 months. 
    +1. LEE, Capt Hancock
              b. 1653, Northumberland County, Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 25 May 1709, Ditchley, Northumberland County, Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 56 years)
    Family ID F5750  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family ALLERTON, Sarah Elizabeth
              b. 1670, Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 17 May 1731, Wicomico Parish, Northumberland County, Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 61 years)  [1
    Marriage Abt 1698  Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Age at Marriage He : ~ 45 years - She : ~ 28 years. 
    +1. LEE, Elizabeth
              b. 25 May 1709, Northumberland County, Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. Apr 1753, Orange County, Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 43 years)  [Father: Birth]  [Mother: Birth]
    Family ID F5751  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 21 Apr 2023 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - 1653 - Northumberland County, Virginia, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - Abt 1698 - Virginia, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsBurial - May 1709 - Ball Family Cemetery, Ditchley, Northumberland County, Virginia, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - 25 May 1709 - Ditchley, Northumberland County, Virginia, USA Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend Address Cemetery Farm Town Parish City County/Shire State/Province Country Region Not Set

  • Sources 
    1. [S141]

    2. [S50]
      Created by: MGBVA
      Added: 21 May 2013
      Find a Grave Memorial #110923906

    3. [S50]

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