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- Stillman was born on December 22, 1805 in Nelson, Cheshire County, New Hampshire. He was a graduate of the Medical Department of the University of Vermont. There is Dr. Richardson's license to practice medicine in Cortland, New York, dated October 17, 1836, and also a letter of recommendation from a doctor with whom he studied. There is also a license to practice "Physic and Surgery" in the State of Michigan, dated June 4, 1840.
Dr. Richardson settled in Niles, Michigan, early in 1837. There were 5 children born to Stillman and Frances.
James Thomas was born in Truxton, New York, on June 5, 1836. and married Mary Elizabeth Clark on Dec. 23, 1859.
William was born on Jan. 21, 1838 and died Aug.21st, age 7 months.
Julia Frances was born April 2, 1840 and married John Stites, an artist. Both died in Los Angeles.
Charles Eldridge was born on act. 16, 1842. He was in the Army Band during the Civil War and died in Kentucky of a malignant fever. There is a diary kept by his mother during these years.
Mary Holt was born Sept. 9, 1844. She married Walter Beers on Dec. 19, 1883 in Chicago, Illinois. She died Oct 13, 1893, and was buried in Niles, Michigan.
Dr. Stillman Richardson still was practicing medicine at the time of his death after a 2 weeks illness. He lived to be 69 years old and died in April, 1875. He had practiced medicine nearly 30 years. He was a good doctor, but not good at collecting his fees. A friend asked people to give $1.00 each for a monument to be put up in the cemetery. A beautiful grey Scotch granite monument was placed in Silver Brook Cemetery in Niles.
Stillman Richardson was born in Nelson, Cheshire County NH in 1805. While yet a lad, his parents removed to near Boston, in which city his boyhood was spent. Afterwards the family removed to Cortland County, NY where he completed his education and studied medicine. In May, 1835, he married and in 1836 removed to Niles, where he at once commenced practice. 'He possessed a solid but by no means polished education with a crisp, brusque form of speech, a contemptuous disregard of unmeaning compliments; scorning to receive as well as bestow flattery. he fought his way steadily onward and upward until ere long he had become, by common consent of both profession and the community, the foremost practitioner of this region'. This is the language of the obituary notice published soon after his death, which occurred in Niles in March, 1875. Dr. Richardson was opposed to all shams in society, church, or politics. With no political aspirations, he was an earnest politician. An ardent friend of temperence, he was sometimes extreme in his language and measures, denouncing friend and foe alike if they oppose the principle of which he was the champion. This made him many enemies among those who admired his pluck and ability, and prevented his taking his place as a leader among men."